A marketing schedule is simply a calendar in which you have plotted out when your marketing communications should be executed. This calendar becomes your day to day guide for ensuring that you are on track with your marketing strategy. Using a marketing schedule allows you to get a bird's eye view of all marketing for the week, month, quarter, and year whilst ensuring the goals are being reached.
Creating a marketing schedule should be easy as it will be dictated by your marketing strategy, special events and public holidays. When creating your marketing schedule it’s best to populate the calendar with your main campaigns. As these campaigns will likely have several different channels, putting down rollout dates help you to get a clear and concise picture of the tasks ahead. Once the larger campaigns have been populated, go through the calendar and add in any marketing communications that you would like to send out for relevant holidays or special events. From here, the majority of months should have communication mapped out. Any months that are light on the marketing should then be planned and filled in.
It is recommended that at minimum you are liaising with your database at least one time per month. However the more engagement you have planned the better off your response rate will be.