The form editor displays the form you’re working on.
The pane on the right side of the screen contains Available Fields and Custom Fields

Available Fields are the fields that will be stored in your database. Available Fields are already set up and ready for you to insert into your form. (i.e First Name, Email Address) Custom Fields are fields that you can insert into your form, which will not be stored in the database. (i.e. Function date, Number of Guests)
To insert an Available Field, locate the Field that you would like to add into your form
Click on the Field and drag it to the location you would like to insert
Release the mouse

Fields can be edited by clicking into them or hovering your mouse over the block and clicking on the edit icon

The field options will load up in the pane on the right side. From here, you’ll be able to change the label name, add a description, set up a default value, add a placeholder, set the field as hidden and set as required.

You can relocate Fields that have already been placed in the form by hovering your mouse over the Field, clicking on the move icon and dragging the Field where you would like it to be moved. Fields can be placed above, below, to the left and right of other fields.