Set up specials and increase or decrease your menu's pricing with weekly Price Adjustments.
- What is a Price Adjustment?
- How to create a Price Adjustment
- How can I make a special run past midnight?
- What happens if my adjustments overlap?
What is a Price Adjustment?
Price Adjustments (formerly called Price Overrides) are used when you want to change the base price of one or more products at specific times of the day. Once you've set up your adjustment, it will always apply on the days of the week you've defined, until you decided to remove the hours.
Example use cases for Price Adjustments:
- Lowering the price of tap beers for Weekday Happy Hour 4-6pm
- Increasing the price of alcoholic beverages during late hours on the weekend
- Setting the price of pizzas for $12 Pizza Tuesdays
Price Adjustments change the base price of your menu items. Any time the new price is cheaper than the base price, your customer's will see a 'On special' tag with the new price like this:
If the new price is more expensive, then the special tag and new price will not be shown.
Price Adjustments can work in conjunction with discounts and surcharges. For example, a Sunday Happy Hour Price Adjustment can have a 15% Sunday Surcharge applied over the top. When your customer goes to view their cart & checkout, they will only see the adjusted price. It does not appear as a separate line item like a discount or surcharge.
How to create a Price Adjustment
- Go to Your Menu > Price Adjustments
- Click Create Price Adjustment
- Name: enter the name of the special e.g. $15 pasta Thursdays. This won't be shown to customers.
Type: select the one that applies.
- Price override is when you want to replace the base price with a new exact price e.g. all burgers are $15.
- Percentage adjustment is when you want to adjust the base price by a percentage e.g. 50% off pasta.
- Fixed amount adjustment is when you want to adjust the base price by an amount of money e.g. $3 off all tap beer.
- Adjustment direction: choose if you want the adjustment to increase or decrease the base price. Note this option won't show if you're choosing to do a price override.
- Amount: This will change depending on what type of adjustment you've selected. Don't forget to use decimal places to show the full amount, not price in cents.
- Active hours: Select the time and days you want the price override to be activated. A day can have multiple time slots. If there is repetition through out the week, set up one day's worth of time slots and then Copy to all. You can always delete unwanted time slots.
- Click Save & Continue to save
- You'll be taken to the Linked menu items tab
- Click Link menu items button and select all the items that are included in the adjustment
- Once updated, review the table of linked menu items and compare the base price with the new price to confirm the changes are what you expected.
How can I make a special run past midnight?
The earliest start time is 'Start of day' which is the first moment after midnight. The last is 'End of day' which would run right up to the stroke of midnight that day. If you ever need your adjustment to apply late night beyond midnight, simply create a time slot the following day that begins at the 'Start of day' and ends at your venues proper closing time.
What happens if my adjustments overlap?
On the listing page, Price Adjustments are sorted with most recently created appearing up the top. If one or more Price Adjustments happen to overlap for a menu item, the most recently created one will take precedence.
Looking for a way to only show a special menu item when it's on special? Check out Daily Specials.