What are Upsells with modifiers?
Ordering a burger, drink, and chips and modifying burger toppings
Ordering a vodka soda and modifying the type of vodka you want with your meal
Buying a chicken burger, chips with a drink and customising the drink, chips, or burger from the menu item.
Ordering 3 tacos and customising each taco and setting the quantity
Please note: If the upsell group has the "respect cart quantity" toggle on, guests will not have the ability to modify the upsell from its linked menu item.
What does it look like?
Ordering two tacos - each taco is shown as an upsell with an image
Customising each taco
The checkout cart, showing the menu item with upsells and mods selected
Frequently Asked Questions
Do I need to change anything in Manage for my venue to have this feature?
Nope, it will work with all upsells that have modifiers assigned to the upsell.
Is the feature available for all ordering types?
Is there a toggle to turn this off at the venue or item level?
No, however you are still able to use the regular Upsell functionality and can simply choose not to add modifiers to any upsell items.
How does this work with Smart Suggestions?
We currently don’t include any items with modifiers in smart suggestions so there should be no issues. If you are encountering problems, please contact support@meandu.com
How do upsells with modifiers appear on the cart?
How will this appear on the docket as seen by the kitchen?
Unfortunately, this is out of our control for all POS' except D2P. For D2P we separate the menu item and it’s related upsells with mods using dotted lines to make it easier for kitchens to know what items belong with which menu item.
How does batching work with upsells and mods?
Batching groups all the orders together from the same table to be sent to the POS/Printer if placed within the same timeframe. This is set on the item level and there can be multiple batching groups for different items.
How do printing groups work with upsells and mods?
Printer Groups assign items to a printer for our Direct to Printer (D2P) offering, where venues can assign items to specific printers
For both POS integrated and D2P venues, batching groups can be set as they are currently.
For POS integrated venues where printing is mainly controlled by the POS, Venues will be able to assign where the items print from based on the print settings on the POS. These upsell items should print as a regular item.
For D2P venues, Printer Groups would need to be set on every item and upsell item. Ideally, the item and required upsell items would be set to the same Printer Group so they would print out from the same printer.
Parent Items will be Bolded with the Required Upsells attached below it. The item groups are split by dotted lines. Optional Upsells and items with a different Batching Group would print as their own Parent Item.
Example of a docket (D2P only)