Connect manages a global blacklist of email addresses and mobile numbers. This list is not specific to individual accounts. Any email addresses or mobile numbers on the blacklist cannot be contacted by any clients of Connect.
Reasons for why an email or mobile number will be added to the blacklist:
- The customer has specifically requested to be blacklisted. From time-to-time we receive requests from customers that ask us to remove them from all current & future mailing lists. Effectively, they no longer want to receive any emails that are sent out via our platform.
- The email address has bounced repeatedly In order to protect the sending reputation of our customers and to also ensure a low bounce-rate, we will automatically blacklist an email address that has bounced back with a ‘does not exist’ type of error (ie: permanent bounce).
This ensures that any customers that have addresses in their database that will always bounce back, do not get emails delivered to those addresses. In turn, this will reduce the overall bounce rate and thus, increase the open rate.
- Validation on the email address has failed Connect utilises the services of multiple email validation platforms. These are third-party platforms that provide validation services via API.
Anytime a new email address is added into any Connect account, the address is validated using these services. If all services dictate that the email address is non-deliverable (ie: any emails will bounce back), we will automatically add the address to the blacklist.
This is done to protect the sending reputation of our customers and to keep their bounce rate low.
It also protects our IP addresses as it limits sending to non-existent emails which helps ensure that our IPs are not blocked or categorised as spam.
Removing an email from the blacklist:
From time to time, a legitimate email may end up on the blacklist. The majority of the time, this happens when the third-party validation services treat it as non-deliverable (this can happen if the recipient domain is not configured correctly).
We can manually lookup and remove an email address from the blacklist (if it was added due to a bounce or failed validation). However, if an email address was added to the blacklist at the request of the owner, we will require their permission in writing prior to removal.
Removal requests need to be made to