Create a discount code to offer a free item to customers (with a minimum spend).
This discount type is for offering a free item to the cart with no other conditions for qualification (you may add a minimum spend condition). For example…
- Get a free Coke when you spend $40 or more
This article relates to creating vouchers within the Reward platform. If you are looking to create discount codes within your Manage account, click here and follow the guides on the page.
How To:
Step 1: Log In to ‘Reward’
Log in to the me&u ‘Reward’ Tool
On the left-hand side, select the Project (venue) you want to create the vouchers for
Step 2: Create the Campaign
- Select Campaign, on the left-hand side of the page
Click on the + button in the top right-hand corner to create the campaign
- Click on "- Create" under Discount Coupons
- Choose between Bulk Codes or Standalone Code
What's the difference? 🤔- Bulk: Multiple unique codes E.g. You want to make 100 unique discount codes, such as 10% off all Drinks, and be able to track who has redeemed these
Standalone: 1 custom code E.g. You want one code anyone can use to get 10% off all drink
If doing Bulk Codes:
- Program name: What will you call the campaign (E.g. 10% discount on drinks)
- Auto update: Keep the checkbox ticked
- Customers will be allowed to join the campaign only once: Keep toggled off
- Category: Leave blank
- Description: You can use this field to describe the discount, eg. 10% off Food
Code redemption limit:
- Add in the number of redemptions allowed if you want to limit it.
- Tick the Unlimited check box if you don’t want to limit redemptions
- Code count: Set the number of codes you’d like to generate.
- Advanced code settings:
Tick the checkbox if you want to customise how the code looks.
Charset: If doing bulk codes we’d recommend keeping this set to Alphanumeric. The code will combine letters and numbers making it more complex
Code length: Enter the number of characters you want the code to contain.
😘 Keep it short & sweet so it's easy for the customer to add in. 3 characters = 45K+ unique options.
- Pattern: You can use Pattern to insert a key phrase or acronym in the middle of the code. Use # to define the random characters before or after the phrase, eg. #ME&U# - 3ME&UL
Prefix: Do you want your code to start with a particular letter? Leave blank if no preference ie. ABC####
Postfix: Do you want your code to end with a particular letter? Leave blank if no preference ie. ####ABC
Tick the checkbox if you want to customise how the code looks.
If doing a standalone code
- Additional Information: You can use this field to describe the discount (e.g. 10% off Food)
- Category: Leave blank
Code redemption limit:
- If there is no limit, keep ‘Unlimited’ ticked
- if there is a limit (e.g. 100), untick ‘Unlimited’ and add in the number of redemptions
Custom code: Add in your desired code (e.g. FOOD10)
😘 Keep it short & sweet so it's easy for the customer to add in. - Advanced code settings: can be left unticked for standalone codes
- Click Next Step on the right-hand side
- If the codes are available anytime with no timeframe restrictions, click Next Step and leave this section blank.
- If there is a relevant date range, add in the start & expiration date and then click Next Step on the right-hand side.
- Select Unit Type
- Under Discount Effect, ensure Add missing order items is selected
Unit Value: 1 (This refers to the number of free items to add to the cart per code)
Select unit type:
- If you have already set the free item up as a ‘Product’, simply search for it
- If not, add a new product by clicking the +
- Product Name: Enter the product name (E.g. Pepsi Max)
Source ID: You will find this in the me&u Manage Portal
Login to Manage
Find & click on the relevant menu item (E.g. Margarita)
In the URL, you will see a string of numbers and letters at the end. Copy everything after ‘item/’
- Paste that code into Source ID
- Price: Leave blank
- Click on Save
- Your product should now show, like this 👇🏼
Validation Rule: Select New and Basic
- Scroll down and click on Order
- Select Add next to Any Order Item
- Tick the product that will be free
- Click on Select Products down the bottom. It should look like this 👇🏼
- Scroll back to the top and click on Next Step under Discount Value
Metadata (optional): Leave blank
- Click on Next Step
- Summary: Double-check everything looks correct and press Save
Step 3: Test the code
Now, it's important to go test your code on your customer-facing me&u menu to ensure it has been set up correctly.