This article explains how to add new items when your venue is POS integrated.
If you are using any of the following POS systems you can easily link your items from your POS into me&u following the below steps:
Square, Kounta (Lightspeed O Series), impos, Micros, Revel, Lightspeed K Series, Touch Bistro, Toast, Starrtec, Infogenesis, OrderMate, SwiftPOS (v2/Cloud api)
Adding Menu Items:
- Go to Your Menu > Menu Items.
- Click Bulk Operations
- Click Import from POS
- Search up the item that you want with the Search Bar
- Choose which items you want to put on your menu by clicking on the Checkbox.
- Once the checkbox is ticked, scroll back to the top of the page and click on Import Items
- Choose where you want the item/s to go by click a Category and Section (You must have a sub-category within the Category you're importing the item to)
Newly imported items won't show on your menu to customers until you enable them. This gives you a chance to customise your items appearance on me&u by adding an image or editing the description. When you're ready for it to show:
- Go to Your Menu > Menu Items > the category and section where you've imported your item
- Click on the item
- Turn on the toggle Is visible on menu?
- Click Update to save your changes
Adding modifiers:
For many synced POS your modifiers will automatically pull into the items when you import the items. So no need to do any extra work here if your POS is capable of this feature!
Additional instructions
If you are using any of the following POS systems you can easily link your items from your POS into me&u following the below steps:
H&L, Abacus, Idealpos, Bepoz, Lotus, Wizbang, Maitre D, SwiftPOS
Adding Items:
- Go to Your Menu > Menu Items.
- Click into the category you want to add an item in — e.g. it might be called Food or drinks — or refer to creating categories, sections & items to create a new category.
- Click an existing item or refer to creating categories, sections & items to create a new item.
- In the Item Information, enter your item's product code in the POS ID field - 1234 in this example.
- Click Update or Create if it is a new item.
Your product codes are available through your POS system. Refer to POS Integrations for a guide on how to find your product codes.
Adding Modifier Options:
- Go to Your menu > Modifiers
- Click the Modifier options tab
- Click Create new modifier
- Fill in the required details. Enter your product code in External POS ID or External POS group ID if it's part of a group.
- Click Create option
Adding Modifier Groups:
Modifier Groups allow you to link multiple choices within the same group and link it to multiple menu items. Some examples are mixers for spirits, the number of glasses for bottles of wine, or adding or removing ingredients from a dish.
- Go to Your menu > Modifiers
- Click Create modifier group
- Fill in the details and click Save and continue to create the group
- You'll automatically be taken to the Modifier options tab
- Click Add modifier option to add the options available in the group
- Click the Linked menu items tab
- Click Link menu items to choose menu items that the group should appear on
- When you're done simply click the arrow in the top left corner