Once you have processed a refund in me&u, the customer will receive their money back from me&u but you need to void the items for the order in Toast so your reports match up.
Click here to learn how to process a refund in me&u: It's important you do this first, so the customer gets their money back. Then you can go into Toast and void the items so your reports match up by following the steps below.
Go to your toast POS and follow these steps:
1. Locate the check
- Go to your Toast terminal, and click on "previous checks"
- Then click on closed checks to find the me&u order you are looking for
- NOTE: if you cannot see any me&u orders on this page go to the 3 dots in the top right corner and click on "advanced filter" and make sure "meandu-dine-in" is ticked
- Once you have found the check, click on it and then click "edit check"
2. Void items
- Once you have clicked into the order you are looking for, start to select the items on the check you want to void
- If you did a full refund in me&u, you will need to select ALL items on the check. If you did a partial refund of one or a few items, you will just need to select those items.
- Once you have selected the items you want to void, click on the red "void" button the top right, then click "void items"
- You will need to select a void reason from the list that pops up
3. Remove Payment
- Once you have selected the void reason, click on the blue "pay" button at the bottom
- Then select the payment you can see for the order and click "remove"
- Then click "done".
- Your POS terminal will then go back to your login page. You are done!